The upcoming patch of Version 0.93:
[Basic Information]
A new Hero who re-establish the spirit pact with the legendary Onyx Dragon: Evan
Evan was just an average boy living in Henesys until the day of an unusual dreams where he dream about wandering into a strange fog-enshrouded forest and came to face a majestic black-scaled face. Ancient, wise eyes that stared into his own and a voice echoed in his head.
Evan woke up feeling frightened and excited but soon he convinced himself that it was only a fantasy.
Weeks later, a small piglet escaped from the farm and Evan chased the piglet for hours deep into the forest.
He fell into a deep hole and passes out.
Evan regain his conscious only to find a familiar place from his dream.
Walking as if his feet knew the way, he came across a round shaped rune inscribed with strange glowing symbol only to realize that it was an egg! Evan reaches his hand out to touch it and felt a warm shell pulse under his hand and a familiar voice rang in his ears.
Evan quickly grab the egg and ran home.
After weeks of tender care, as Evan hovered over the egg, the day came when a crack appeared on its smooth shell. A few more cracks and a tiny reptilian form tumbled into Evan’s hands.
The little creature looked up into Evan’s eyes and his whole world changed.
Evan will start out in Utah’s House.
Introducing Evan most important family members.
Grid – Evan’s Father
Anna – Evan’s Mother
Utah – Evan’s Brother
Mir – Evan’s partner in his adventure
Upon creating an Evan class in MapleSEA, you will start out in an fog-enshrouded forest which leads to meeting up with the legendary King of Onyx Dragon, Afrien. As Evan awaken from his dream, he will appear in his room inside Utah’s House.
Your first mission will start off with Anna, Evan’s mother who will request you to speak with Utah, Evan’s Brother. From then on, a series of quest will be activated.
As Mir, your in-game partner hatched from his egg, the journey to become the next great Dragon Master will begin.
A brief introduction of quests for all Dragon Master:
1. Evan Tutorial Quests
Strange Dream
Feeding Bull Dog
Sandwich for Breakfast
Delivering the Lunch Box
Fixing the Fence
Rescuing the Piglet
Returning the Empty Lunch Box
Collecting Eggs
Chasing away the Foxes
Verifying the Farm Situation
Strange Farm
2. Evan Job Advancement
Dragon Master 1st Job Advancement
Dragon Master 2nd Job Advancement
Dragon Master 3rd Job Advancement
Dragon Master 4th Job Advancement
Dragon Master 5th Job Advancement
Dragon Master 6th Job Advancement
Dragon Master 7th Job Advancement
Dragon Master 8th Job Advancement
Dragon Master 9th Job Advancement
Dragon Master 10th Job Advancement
3. Evan lvl 200 Quest
Hero’s Succession
4. Evan Riding Mount Quests
Rumor about the Dragon Mount
Is Dragon Mounting Possible?
Meeting the Dragon Rider
In Search of a Cool Saddle
Making a Saddle
The Lost Saddle
Uncomfortable Saddle
Making a Bigger Saddle
Obtaining the Unbreakable Porcelain
Making the Unbreakable Porcelain
The Lost Big Saddle
Uncomfortable Saddle II
Making a Really Big Saddle
The Lost Really Big Saddle
5. Evan Story Quest
Baby Dragon Awakens
Hungry Baby Dragon
A Bite of Hay
A Bite of Pork
Tasty Milk 1
Tasty Milk 2
Tasty Milk 3
What is a Dragon Master?
Strange Pigs 1
Strange Pigs 2
Letter Delivery
Mushrooms Instead of Meat!
The Dragon Master’s Calling and many more..
1. Beginner Skills
2. 1st Skill
3. 2nd Skill
4. 3rd Skill
5. 4th Skill
6. 5th Skill
7. 6th Skill
8. 7th Skill
9. 8th Skill
10. 9th Skill
11. 10th Skill
[Equipment & Weapon]
Evan class shares the same Equipment and Weapon as Magician. The difference between a Magician and Evan is that Evan’s Companion, the Onyx Dragon is able to equip 4 unique equipments to further enhance the stats of the Evan class.
[Skill Book & Mastery Book]
[Skill Book] Flame Wheel
[Skill Book] Magic Mastery
[Skill Book] Dark Fog
[Skill Book] Soul Stone
[Mastery Book] Illusion 20
[Mastery Book] Illusion 30
[Mastery Book] Flame Wheel 20
[Mastery Book] Flame Wheel 30
[Mastery Book] Magic Mastery 20
[Mastery Book] Magic Mastery 30
[Mastery Book] Blaze 20
[Mastery Book] Blaze 30
[Mastery Book] Dark Fog 20
[Mastery Book] Dark Fog 30
[Mastery Book] Soul Stone 20
[Mastery Book] Blessing of the Onyx 20
[Mastery Book] Blessing of the Onyx 30
[Exclusive Evan Wardrobe]
Evan, the Dragon Master will have their own exclusive wardrobe to suit their humble status.
1. A Gift for the Dragon Master Event (26th May ~ 10th November 2010)
Work hard with your Evan Character and be rewarded with this exclusive Dragon Glasses when you achieve level 30. That’s not all, this special glasses can be scroll with special scroll which will be given for FREE when you level up to the desire level. This special Dragon Glasses will have 5 upgrade slots available.
Reward for this event: Evan’s Paper Box
This event includes the following quests:
– The Birth of a New Hero
– A Gift for the Dragon Master
– A Second Gift for the Dragon Master
– A Third Gift for the Dragon Master
– A Fourth Gift for the Dragon Master
– A Fifth Gift for the Dragon Master
In the event that there are several characters with the same highest level, a chosen winner will be the hero who achieved the highest level at the fastest time.
There will only be 5 winners per world, and what exactly is the prize for this event?
Top 1st Evan will receive:
1 x Orb of Fire Wand
1 x Miracle Scroll for Wand for Magic Att.
1 x Ultimate Spirit Pact Pendant
Top 2nd ~ 5th Evan will receive:
1 x Fire Wand
1 x Master Spirit Pact Pendant
7. Maple Weapon Drop Event
Maple Ganesha
List of exchangeable Maple Items using Maple Leaves at Maple Administrator;
1. Windows Live Messenger FM Buddy Room (1st June 2010)
Come to the room and make new friends in the newly decorated Window Live Messenger FM Buddy Room!
Windows Live Messenger FM Buddy Room will be located at the following Channel:
[SG Gateway]
Aqulia – Channel 20 Room 1
Bootes – Channel 20 Room 1
Cassiopeia – Channel 20 Room 1
Delphinus/ Eridanus – Channel 20 Room 1
Izar – Channel 1 Room 1
[MY Gateway]
Fornax/ Gemini – Channel 1 Room 1
Hercules – Channel 1 Room 1
2. Add a Windows Live Messenger Buddy Feature
Add a buddy in MapleSEA by right clicking on the users!
Here’s the steps to add your new buddy in your Windows Live Messenger:
1. Right click on the character you want to add.
2. Click on the last option (Add a WLM Buddy), and a window will pop up.
3. Key in the user’s WLM address and click ok.
4. Game Client will minimized and a window will prompt you to ensure that you want to add the users.
5. Once both characters key in each other emails, they will have their WLM contacts in their Windows Live Messenger.
It’s just so easy. Start adding your Maple Buddies into your Windows Live Messenger!
-MapleSEA Administrator
The Resurrected Hero, Aran!
The Hero that uses pole arm in the battle against the Black Wizard.
After centuries of being trapped in the ice under the curse of the Black Wizard, Aran the legendary Hero has finally awakened! He has lost all memories from the past and his abilities. Waiting at his side is a girl named Lirin, the last member of the clan that believed in the resurrection of Aran. Day by day, with the help of Lirin and the Penguins on Rien Island, Aran is slowly regaining his memories and beginning to adjust to this civilization. With adequate training, the Hero will be able to regain all his abilities and power that have laid dormant for the past centuries. |
The Journey to become a Hero once more
After waking from a long sleep to find yourself without memories and abilities, speak with Lirin to find out more about your situation. Aran shares the same Equipments, Weapons and Builds as the Warrior Adventurer class. Aran make use to the powerful Combo System to power up their attacks and execute skills dealing high amount of damage to their enemies. Certain Aran skills can only be unlocked by completing special quests. |
As the Resurrected Hero, Aran will have their own exclusive Cash wardrobe to suit their aristocratic status.
Legend - With no Past Memories
Aran wakes up as a Legend without memories of identity or skill. Luckily, Lirin, the last member of a clan who believed in Aran's resurrection is around to offer guidance. Together with the friendly penguins of Rien, she will guide you through your basic training. With her advice, approach the mysterious Giant Pole Arm to advance and find out more about yourself. Ability Points of Legend will automatically increased until the 1st Job Advancement or upon reaching level 11. Skill Points acquired when leveling up can be freely distribute to one of the three starting skills. Bless of Fairy is a passive skill that all characters will automatically have. |
Legend Skill
Three Snails Throws snail shells to enemies for long-range attacks. | |
Recovery Recover your own HP in a constant pace for 30 seconds. Downtime until the next usage : 2 min. | |
Agile Body Explosive speed for an instant. Takes about 1 min. until the next call. | |
Blessing of Sprite Fairy's power will enhance your character. Skill Point will increase by 1 when related character achieve 10 level up. |
Skill Previews
Aran characters who have yet to obtain particular Aran skill are able to preview the upcoming new skills in their skill window.
First Job Skills
Pole Arm Combo Enables the visibility of combo counts. After every 10 combo counts, your stats will increase by a certain amount up to a maximum of ten times. This buff disappears when you lose your combo count. Requires 10 SP in Double Swing. Note: You can obtain this skill after completing a special quest at Level 13. | |
Double Attack Press the attack key twice to attack up to 12 surrounding monsters two times. | |
Combat Step Press the arrow keys twice to move to a far distance at fast speed. Requires 5 SP in Double Swing. | |
Polearm Booster By using HP and MP, the attack speed of the polearm temporarily increases. Can only be used when having a polearm equipped. Requires 5 SP in Combat Step. Note: You can obtain this skill after completing a special quest at Level 22. |
Second Job Skills
Polearm Mastery Increases the mastery as well as accuracy. Only applied with a polearm equipped. Requires 3 SP in Triple Swing. Note: You can obtain this skill after completing a special quest at Level 31. | |
Triple Attack Press the attack key three times to attack up to 12 surrounding monsters thrice. Requires 20 SP in Double Swing. | |
Pole Arm Push Push monsters in front of you. You have to use Triple Swing first before using this skill. Requires 20 SP in Triple Swing. | |
Combo Drain For a certain amount of time, you will absorb some HP of the damage dealt to the monster. Requires 1 SP in Combo Ability. | |
Combo Smash Throw a polearm that penetrates a certain amount of monsters in the direction you are facing. Requires 1 SP in Combo Ability. | |
Body Pressure For a short period of time, you can attack monsters with your own body. The attacked monster has a small probability to get stunned for 5 seconds. |
Third Job Skills
Full Swing Increases the damage of Double Swing and Triple Swing. Requires 20 SP in Triple Swing. | |
Critical Combo Allows you to perform a critical attack with a certain success rate. For every 10 combos, your critical damage and the chance of a critical attack goes up from a default of 100% damage and 10% chance of performing a critical attack. Requires 10 SP in Combo Ability. | |
Pole Arm Toss Toss up to 12 monsters in the air. If you attack monsters in the air, they will receive additional damage. You have to use Triple Swing first before using this skill. Requires 20 SP in Triple Swing. | |
Fenrir Phantom The soul of the wolf is summoned and merged into the sword to attack monsters twice in a wide range. Requires 10 SP in Combo Smash. | |
Snow Charge Adds an ice element to the polearm for a short period of time. The monster's speed will decrease after being attacked. | |
Smart Knock-back Lower the damage required to knockback a monster. | |
Whirlwind Push monsters away to the left and right side with a powerful wind. |
Fourth Job Skills
Maple Warrior Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage. | |
Aggression Increases the polearm mastery as well as weapon attack. Requires 20 SP in Polearm Mastery. | |
Over Swing Increases the damage of Double Swing and Triple Swing to the extreme. Requires 20 SP in Full Swing. | |
High Class Defense Permanently increases the weapon defense of one's armor. | |
Pole Arm Finale Swing your polearm widely to deliver a fierce attack to a maximum of 12 monsters. You have to use Triple Swing first before using this skill. Requires 20 SP in Triple Swing. | |
Tempest Freezes the surrounding monsters. If a monster is frozen using this skill it will die instantly upon attack. If used against a boss monster, it deals four consecutive hits of powerful damage. Requires 10 SP in Combo Peril. | |
EZ Shield Grants a buff that makes party members to receive less damage for a limited time. Requires 10 SP in Combo Drain. | |
Freezing Posture Infusing the weight of a frozen glacier, prevent you from being pushed back by a monster's attack. |
Knights of Cygnus
Knights of Cygnus
Royal elite group of the young monarch, Queen Cygnus!
Cygnus, the young Empress of Maple World, has sensed some evil forces lurking around the peaceful Maple towns. It seems like the Dark Magician, who previously failed to destroy Maple World, has returned to wreck chaos across the land! Hence, Empress Cygnus is now recruiting brave adventurers to become her Knights of Cygnus whose duty will be to fight off the Dark Magician and his wicked followers. With five different knight classes available, find your own path to defend the world from the Black Wizard! |
The Five Paths of Destiny
After going through your tutorial as a Nobless, talk to Nineheart to learn what you can do for the Queen. Similar to the Adventurer classes, Knights of Cygnus can choose from one of five paths to advance. Later job advancements serve to empower your respective job further. Knights of Cygnus does not need skill books and mastery books in order to become master of their skills. Because of their faster growth, Knights of Cygnus get 6 Ability Points (AP) upon each level up until level 69. The highest level a Knight of Cygnus can attain is level 120. |
As the Queen's close companions, the Knights of Cygnus have their own exclusive Cash wardrobe to suit their aristocratic status.
Soul Master | Flame Wizard | Wind Breaker | Nightwalker | Striker |
Nobless - Makings of a Knight
A Knight of Cygnus characters starts out as Nobless on Erev, home of Queen Cygnus. Under the protection and blessing of the Divine Bird, Nobless goes through basic training tutorial with a Guide Summoner, the residents of Erev and Nineheart. You will then be directed to the five Knight Commanders for your 1st Job Advancement. Ability Points of Nobless will automatically increased until the 1st Job Advancement or upon reaching level 11. Skill Points acquired when leveling up can be freely distribute to one of the three starting skills. Bless of Fairy is a passive skill that all characters will automatically have. |
Nobless Techniques
Three Snails Hurls snail shells to attack monsters from long distance. | |
Recovery Enables the user to recover HP constantly for 30 sec. Terms between skills : 10 min. | |
Nimble Feet Enables the character to move around quickly for a short amount of time. Terms between skills : 1 min. | |
Bless of Fairy Fairy's power will enhance your character. Skill Point will increase by 1 when related character achieve 10 level up. |
The brave travelers of Maple World!
With their hearts yearning for a good adventure and intending to make names for themselves, Adventurers set foot on the world of Maple with the sole aim of exploring its vast world and helping its people. They are the most diverse of the character classes, with endless potential of what they can become. The deepest dungeons and most powerful monsters are no match for what a group of Adventurers can do. With each step, Adventurers seek their own road, their own journey, their own adventure! |
The Five Paths of Choices
After leaving Maple Island, a Beginner should visit the Job Instructor of your choice to perform Job Advancement. For the 1st Job Advancement, there are five choices to choose from that will roughly decide the road you will take in the future.
Each Job Advancement you can go through in the future allows you to narrow your path down to the ultimate one of your choosing, giving your a wide variety of skills to master.
Beginner - The first step of the Adventure
A Beginner starts on Maple Island where the friendly residents walk you through the basic tutorial to prepare you for your travels ahead. After leaving Maple Island, speak with the Job Instructor of your choice to perform your 1st Job Advancement. Beginners can advance to become Warriors, Bowmen, Thieves and Pirates at level 10, or become a Magician at level 8. Ability Points of Beginners will automatically increased until the 1st Job Advancement or upon reaching level 11. Skill Points acquired when leveling up can be freely distribute to one of the three starting skills. Bless of Fairy is a passive skill that all characters will automatically have. |
Beginner's Basics
Three Snails Hurls snail shells to attack monsters from long distance. | |
Recovery Enables the user to recover HP constantly for 30 sec. Terms between skills : 10 min. | |
Nimble Feet Enables the character to move around quickly for a short amount of time. Terms between skills : 1 min. | |
Bless of Fairy Fairy's power will enhance your character. Skill Point will increase by 1 when related character achieve 10 level up. |
MAP of Maple Story
In the fantasy world of MapleStory, prepare yourself for an exciting adventure while you tour and explore cool maps and places around the world!
The world of MapleStory is vast beyond imagination and new areas are still being discovered! There is always something to do or somebody to talk to be it on the snowy mountains of El Nath or in the scorching deserts around Ariant.
Go forth and battle monsters, complete quests to level up and grow strong! But all work and no play makes a Mapler dull, so don’t forget to make friends and have fun while you are here.
Starting Out
Everyone has a beginning, and different people starts from different places and meet different people.
Adventurers – Maple Island | Knights of Cygnus – Erev | Aran – Rien |
Victoria Island
Victoria Island is a place all new and enthusiastic can train to become stronger for the challenges ahead. For Adventurers, you can venture into the different towns and choose your class and destiny. The monsters around the towns areas are ideal for those who have not done their 2nd Job Advancement, but beware, monsters get stronger as you stray further away from towns.
The two ways to reach Ossyria is by ship from Erev or from Victoria. To travel to Ossyria from Victoria Island, one must visit Ellinia in Victoria Island to take the ship to Orbis. During the trip to Orbis, monsters will appear and attack and if you are not strong enough, so you may have to hide in the cabin. The monsters on this continent is generally stronger than those on Victoria Island, so make sure to equip yourself with your best equipment before leaving town.
Other Areas
There are more areas in the Maple World than two continents can contain, some of them on islands of their own or even in the past. Visit these completely different areas, whether for challenging one of the most powerful monsters ever existed in MapleStory, find out more about Victoria Island’s past, or to get married with the one you love.
World Tour
There’s nothing quite like soaking up a new culture, learning something new by the minute! Look for Spinel and sign up for a World Tour package, and she will serve you as a traveling guide at a fee.
Solo Zakum!

Dear Maplers,
The upcoming patch of Version 0.94:
1. [Skill Balance] Adventurers are Back with a Blast!
2. [New Map] Golden Temple (Release Period: 28/07/2010 – 02/09/2010)
3. [System] Rise of a New Journey!
4. [System Event] Return of the Explorers Quests (Event Period: 28/07/2010 – 02/09/2010)
5. [System Event] Cassandra Weapon Rental (Event Period: 28/07/2010 – 02/09/2010)
6. [MTS] Launch of MTS in Izar World!
7. [Cash Items] New Items release!
1. [Skill Balance] Adventurers are back with a blast!
• Fire Arrow: Now attacks multiple targets up to 3 enemies
• Thunder Bolt: Range for this skill has increased
• Elemental Amplification: The magic attack has increased to 150%
• Explosion: Damage has increased up to 130 and the casting time was reduced depending on skill level.
• Meteor Shower: Damage has increased up to 620, MP cost was reduced to 2900MP
• Fire Demon: Damage has increased up to 140
• Paralyze: Damage has increased up to 240
• Blizzard: Damage has increased up to 600, MP Cost was reduced to 2900MP
• Ice Demon: Damage was increased up to 120
• Chain Lightning: Damage has increased up to 210
• Certain abilities can now shoot from close range
• Double shot: The range has been increased and damage has increased up to 110%
• Recoil Shot: The delay between uses has been decreased
• Flamethrower: The range of this ability has been increased and damage has increased up to 190%
• Energy Charge: The chance of activating Power stance has been increased up to 90%
• Energy Blast: The range of this ability has been increased. There is now a chance to stun the target up to 40%
• Ice Splitter: The range of this ability has increased. Damage has increased up to 160%
• Rapid Fire: The range has been increased and damage has been increased up to 200%
• Battleship: The battleship now has more health
• Elemental Boost: Damage over time has increased to 10% and the freeze duration has increased up to 4 sec
• Demolition: The range of the attack has increased
• Dragon Strike: Player should now experience less delay between attacks
• Threaten: Now reduces the enemies’ ATT, DEF and ACC up to 20%.
• Flame Charge: Damage has increased up to 140%
• Fire Charge: Damage has increased up to 140%
• Thunder Charge: This ability can now overlap with other elemental attributes such as Fire, Ice, and Holy.
• Lightning Charge: This ability can now overlap with other elemental attributes such as Fire, Ice and Holy
• Charged Blow: The range of this ability has been increased up to 180 and the duration of the stun effect has increased up to 6 sec
• Blast: Damage has increased up to 580%
• Holy Charge: Damage has increased up to 150%
• Divine Charge: Damage has increased up to 150%
• Hex of the Beholder: Beholder’s buffs will not overwrite buffs of equal level. Beholder’s buff will however overwrite lesser buffs
• Arrow Bomb: Damage has increased up to 150%
• Iron Arrow: Damage has increased up to 200%
• Inferno: Damage has increased and a Damage Over Time component was added
• Strafe: Chance to freeze has increased up to 100%. Frozen targets have a fixed percentage chance to be killed instantly
• Piercing Arrow: Charge time for piercing arrow has decreased by 10 percent
• Snipe: Cooldown time for this ability has decreased per skill level
• Endure: HP and MP recovery has increased up to 100HP and 40MP respectively over time.
• Steal: Damage has increased up to 130%. Can attack up to 4 enemies and a chance to stun has been added
• Band of Thieves: Damage has increased up to 250% and the poison damage duration has increased
• Assaulter: Damage has increased up to 500% and range has increased
• Meso Guard: The amount of Mesos consumed has decreased to 61%. The duration of the effect has increased per skill level to a maximum of 180 seconds.
• Venomous Stab: The chance to apply poison has increased and the duration of the poison damage has increased.
• Boomerang Stab: The delay between attacks has decreased
2. [New Map] Golden Temple (Release Period: 28/07/2010 – 02/09/2010)
What is Golden Temple?
Golden Temple is a new map in MapleStory! The monsters inside this map offer more EXP and item drops than any other maps available! What’s more, there is a powerful boss for you to conquer! It will drop rare items, especially the Ravana Helmet!
How can I get to Golden Temple?
You can now go to Golden Temple via Mirror of Dimension!
Golden Ticket is needed to go into the maps! Where can I get them?
A. Find Cassandra and complete the quest “Attracting Tourists to the Golden Temple” (Non-Repeatable)
B. Find PR Manager Mr. Yoo and complete the quest “Recycled Golden Ticket” (Repeatable once a day)
C. Purchase Golden Temple Invitation from Cash Shop
I am ready to challenge the Ravana Boss!
5 Sunburst
To collect sunburst, you are required to eliminate the monsters in the Monkey Temples and Goblin Caves of the Golden Temple.
Difficulty of the Ravana Boss will be adjusted automatically according to the average level of the party members. According to the difficulty, various equipments, pieces of time, Ravana Helmet will be dropped.
Ravana Helmet
What’s more?
You are able to get this PERMANENT exclusive mount! No riding skills required! Level 13 and you will be able to ride this mount!
3. [System]Rise of the New Journey!
Explore the brand new journey for your MapleStory experiences! All Classes now have a new path given by your job advancement officers! Evans, please look for Grendel the really Old. Arans, please look for Dances with Balrog
What does your job advancement officer got to offer?
Brand New Quests!
Level up faster with the new path that your job advancement officer gives!
Find your job instructor and get a job specific quest!
New Mini Bosses!
New path, new challenges! Follow the chain quest given by your job instructors and you can take on these bosses!
New Equipments!
Of course you will need better equipments to aid you in your new journey!
4. [System Event] Return of the Explorers Quests (Event Period 28/07/2010 – 02/09/2010)
Explorers worldwide feel a new surge of power as old skills get rebalanced and enhanced. Let’s use that in a great leveling event where they can get great new items to match their new balance!
When your character reaches level 10, speak with Cassandra to receive a weapon based on your class.
Speak to Cassandra at specific levels to receive your rewards!
Level 10 Rewards
Swordman’s Two-Handed Sword
Magician’s Metal Wand
Archer’s Bow
Rougue’s Stinger
Rougue’s Bronze Igor
Pirate’s Double-Tail Knuckle
Pirate’s Garand Pistol
Level 20 Rewards
Explorer’s Traus
Explorer’s Blue Counter
Explorer’s Jacker
Explorer’s Bazlud
Explorer’s Crystal Wand
Explorer’s Zard
Explorer’s Sabretooth
Explorer’s Titan
Explorer’s Zeco
Explorer’s Crescent Polearm
Explorer’s Vaulter 2000
Explorer’s Heckler
Explorer’s Dark Avarice
Explorer’s Neozard
Explorer’s Lunar Shooter
Level 30 Rewards
Explorer’s Crusader Chain Mail
Explorer’s Chaos Robe
Explorer’s Legendary Elf Suit
Explorer’s Knuckle Vest Suit
Explorer’s Brace Look
Explorer’s Purple Mail
Explorer’s Moonlight
Explorer’s Lumati
Explorer’s Purple Avenger
Level 40 Rewards
Honorable Explorer Medal
STATS + 1 to ALL
HP & MP +100
Speed & Jump +5, Hands +10
Level 50 Rewards
Explorer’s Cruel Ring
Explorer’s Critical Ring
Explorer’s Magical Ring
5. [System Event] Cassandra Weapon Rental (Event Period 28/07/2010 – 02/09/2010)
Not enough Mesos to purchase items suitable for your level? Now you can save your Mesos and rent it from Cassandra! Speak to Cassandra and do her a favor by collect 100 of an item which she requested and she will rent you a weapons FREE!
There is 75 items available for you to rent! Items will be given according to your level.
6. [MTS] Launch of MTS in Izar World
MTS is now available in Izar World on 4th August 2010! For more information on MTS please refer to here
7. [Cash Items] New Items Release!
• Golden Temple Invitation (1)
• Golden Temple Invitation (10)
• Golden Temple Invitation (30)
• Golden Temple Teleport Package
- Golden Temple Invitation (1)
- Teleport Rock (2)
• Golden Temple Minerva Package
- Golden Temple Invitation (1)
- Owl of Minerva (2)
• Golden Temple Remote Package
- Golden Temple Invitation (1)
- Remote Gachapon (3)
• Golden Temple 2x Package
- Golden Temple Invitation (1)
- 1-Day Special Coupon (1)
• Golden Temple Safety Package
- Golden Temple Invitation (1)
- Safety Charm (4)
• Golden Temple White Monkey Package
- Golden Temple Invitation (1)
- EXCLUSIVE White Monkey
- Watermelon
- Rabbit Ears
– MapleSEA Administrator